My name is Daniel Crouch, and Religion and Story is a site dedicated to various vanity projects, loosely centered on my interests in theology and film. On here, you’ll find some content I created—essays, shorts stories, art (if you can call it that)—as well as interactive projects—like brackets, surveys, and silly quizzes. Feel free to click around, check out what interests you, and certainly leave a comment if you have an idea for something you’d like to see.
Though I’m sure my writing extends beyond what I’m credentialed to cover, I am a graduate of Harding University and Harding School of Theology with degrees in Christian studies as well as Computer Science (which helps with some of the interactive projects), and I am now pursuing a PhD in theology and ethics from Baylor University. I hope in everything I put on here that some of my thoughts can help you with some of yours.

This site used to primarily house my blog of over 200 posts. As is natural when something ages, you look back on some of the ideas and the writing and find it difficult to see yourself in it. For that reason, I’ve archived much of the blog, including guest posts from talented friends and family and other essays I’m still quite proud of. If you’re interested in reading any of these, let me know, and I’d be glad to share them.