Best Hymns Bracket

Last year, we ended our Religion & Story Podcast’s season by asking what the best Christian songs were. We’ve been searching for the answer to the question during the intervening months—is the best Christian song a classic hymn or a tune playing on the radio today—or something in between? To finally answer this question, we decided to launch our 2018 Best Christian Song, Hymn, and Spiritual Tournament to get to the bottom of this. After weeks of voting and a few shocking results, we finally determined the best Church song to be:

It Is Well With My Soul

“It Is Well With My Soul” is a classic hymn that means a great deal to many of the voters that have grown up singing its poetic, inspiring lyrics. There is a reason it was able to stand alongside such powerful songs as “Amazing Grace” and “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” Administering this bracket has been a wonderful experience, and we encourage anyone who has enjoyed it to check-out and subscribe to our podcast!

Some thoughts from voters on the Final Four:

Our God, He Is Alive

It has been joked that “Our God, He Is Alive” is the Church of Christ anthem—hence its “728B” nickname. And as a college student, that sometimes bugs me. It reminds me of all the CoC baggage that can turn people off. I also don’t sing it very much anymore—probably because of the church I go to. But I think because of that, because of that connection with years gone by and the fact that I almost never sing it—on those rare occasions where I do sing it, it becomes that much more sweetly nostalgic. I am reminded of the saints before me who stood in Church of Christ auditoriums and joyfully sang that song—some in their final years, others (like my parents) when they were school-aged. In every case, it is my link to my own people’s past.

How Great Thou Art

“How Great Thou Art” is an uplifting song. For some, that’s obvious. For me, I had never thought twice about its pure joy until the saddest point in my life: the death of my father. I sang it the first Sunday after his death, and I was brought to tears. But not tears of sadness, tears of joy because I knew how great the God was that my father served. I’ve been told since then that “How Great Thou Art” went through some sort of translation journey to get to us today. I’m not sure what that journey was, but I’m glad it made it—I will forever be grateful for this song.

It Is Well With My Soul

Lyrics by Horatio G. Spafford and composed by Philip P. Bliss in 1876. Many know the story of why and how this song was written (if you don’t, it is well worth the read), and I can’t help but think about that when I sing the song. One part of the story that we might pass over is that Spafford’s family was going across the ocean to encourage D. L. Moody, a minister of the gospel. We often sing verses 1, 3, and 5—but 2 and 4 are worth singing too. Verse 2 reminds us that Christ didn’t simply die for us, but did so after reflecting on our helplessness, showing all the more our value to Him. Verse 4 uses a strange word—“whisper”—to show us the personal connection that Jesus has with our suffering and the gentle care he has for us. This song will be comforting the hurting Christian for generations to come.

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

This song is a personal favorite. Not just for its sweet, folkish melody, but for its poetic language. It was only while I was in school that I truly realized how rich the lyrics were of Robert Robinson’s hymn. He uses powerful terms, exacting language, and uncommon names—everyone’s favorite, of course, being “Ebenezer.” But Robinson crafts language not just for the exoticism but to convey the dramatic relationship between God and his creatures. It is an inspiring poem that Robinson gives us, one that reminds us of our fallen nature, but also spurs us toward restoration and sings the joys of a hope in God’s redemption.

A Complete List of Songs

  1. 10,000 Reasons (10)
  2. A Mighty Fortress (5)
  3. Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed? (7)
  4. All Creatures Of Our God And King (11)
  5. All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name (13)
  6. Amazing Grace (1)
  7. And Can It Be, That I Should Gain? (9)
  8. Battle Hymn Of The Republic (6)
  9. Be Still My Soul (12)
  10. Be Thou My Vision (8)
  11. Be With Me Lord (15)
  12. Blessed Assurance (5)
  13. Blessed Be Your Name (13)
  14. Breathe on Me, Breath of God (10)
  15. Christ the Lord is Risen Today (16)
  16. Come Share the Lord (15)
  17. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (1)
  18. Crown Him With Many Crowns (14)
  19. Days of Elijah (16)
  20. Down to the River to Pray (8)
  21. Doxology (2)
  22. Fairest Lord Jesus (2)
  23. For The Beauty Of The Earth (13)
  24. Great is Thy Faithfulness (12)
  25. Hallelujah Chorus (10)
  26. Hark! The Herald Angel Sings (7)
  27. Holy Holy Holy (2)
  28. How Deep the Father’s Love (9)
  29. How Great Thou Art (9)
  30. I Come To The Garden Alone (10)
  31. I Need Thee Every Hour (6)
  32. I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (5)
  33. I’ll Fly Away (15)
  34. In Christ Alone (3)
  35. It Is Well With My Soul (4)
  36. Jesus Loves Me This I Know (5)
  37. Jesus Paid It All (14)
  38. Joy to the World (3)
  39. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (11)
  40. Just As I Am (4)
  41. Just As I Am (I Come Broken) (13)
  42. Light the Fire (15)
  43. Mighty to Save (7)
  44. My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (8)
  45. Nearer My God To Thee (7)
  46. O Holy Night (6)
  47. O Sacred Head (4)
  48. Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) (11)
  49. Onward Christian Soldiers (8)
  50. Our God, He Is Alive (4)
  51. Rock Of Ages (3)
  52. Silent Night (12)
  53. The Greatest Command (1)
  54. The Lord My Shepherd Is (2)
  55. The Lord bless you and keep you (11)
  56. The Old Rugged Cross (6)
  57. There is a Fountain Filled with Blood (12)
  58. There’s a Stirring (16)
  59. This Little Light Of Mine (9)
  60. To God Be The Glory (3)
  61. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (14)
  62. What A Friend We Have In Jesus (14)
  63. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (1)
  64. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (16)

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